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Monster Magnet / Royal Thunder / Anti-Mortem / Dizmal Daze 2013

When i was 13 years old, the first unsupervised concert I paid to go see was Monster Magnet with Corrosion in Conformity here in the Windy City.  That show opened up an entire different and wonderful world to me, where live music and performances from my favorite artists have molded me into the music lover I am today.  Sadly, that first show was the last time I saw Monster Magnet….until that fateful day where it was announced that they would grace the Bottom Lounge with their presence after not touring in the US for 10 years.  I purchased my tickets and danced a happy dance as the receipt wirelessly deposited itself into my email inbox.

November 16th, 2013 could not have come quicker.  I made it to the Bottom Lounge nice and early, to prepare to relive songs that have haunted my life hundreds, even thousands of times….oh and to check out the opening acts too.  Mind you, I was already beat up from being pressed against the guard rail and strategically placing myself in the blast radius of Kerry King’s amps at the Aragon Brawlroom for SLAYER the night before;  I am a glutton for punishment of music.  Nonetheless, this was a fantastic night of stoner rock and metal that went perfect with a few vodka tonics and a twist of lime.

Dizmal Daze was first to the plate, featuring members of Nachmystium, Earthen Grave, Novembers Doom and Trouble.  It reminded me of a stoner metal Type-O-Negative.  I was really impressed by their set, especially when they got the crowd going covering Black Sabbath.  I look forward to seeing these guys again most definitely.

Next up was Anti-Mortem from Oklahoma.  Holy balls, these guys had some REAL energy.  It was an instant like on Facebook for me.  These guys really knew how to get the crowd moving, and I would not doubt if they had some sort of Red Bull IV apparatus somewhere with their gear.  Also, I think that when holding auditions for band members, with all talent set aside, it came down to only bringing on whoever had the curliest and most full bodied hair.  Still a great performance….had the crowd going so hard that they whipped out their phones to take videos and pictures to post on social media!

All apologies to Royal Thunder…. They sounded amazing but this was the time that a buzzed Polish metal dude needed sustenance.  My friends and I sat this one out to destroy about 5 pounds of Bottom Lounge’s tater tots. As good as those potatoes were, I kind of regret getting hungry at that time.  

Monster Magnet simply blew me away.  When Dave and crew stepped out on stage and started the show with “Nod Scene” from Spine of God, I was completely mesmerized.  Dave’s voice is simply timeless, he sounded EXACTLY like he did when I saw him eons ago.  The crowd agreed with me, as the venue packed tighter and tighter.  I felt like a kid again; They played almost all of my favorite tracks ranging from “Look to Your Orb for the Warning” and “Dopes to Infinity” from said Dopes to Infinity album to “Crop Circle” and “Space Lord” from Power Trip.  A cover of American Pie was even thrown into the mix, as well as a couple of choice tracks from their new album,  Last Patrol.

Overall, a great night.  Monster Magnet needs to tour the US more, and you bet your ass Ill be right there at any Chicago date.  



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