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Immortal Bird – Akrasia

Here is a review I did of Immortal Bird back in 2013!

Its been pretty cold here in Chicago with the whole polar vortex thing going on, and if you are like I am, the temperature and weather affects the patterns of what music I listen to.  What a joy it was to have Immortal Bird’s “Akrasia” land in my lap at this time.  Cold….very very cold….and thrashy…and brutal.

Fans of Dissection, old Satyricon… black metal in general will really dig this release.  It takes the old school church-burning, face-stabbing, baby-punching mentality and twists it with this odd post-rock atmosphere that we have been seeing a lot lately from Chicago bands.  I really love the vocals on this EP.  Rae Amitay’s pipes are stellar, mix so fantastically, and absolutely freeze your ears.  I cant help but compare Immortal Bird to Without Waves…but that goes without saying, as John Picillo lends his bass to both bands.  

My favorite track on this disc is “Akratic Seminar”.   Track has this wonderful flow that punishes and soothes the ear at the same time.  I am looking forward to hearing more from this band in the future.  In the meantime, check out Immortal Bird at…



Favorite Tracks:
Ashen Scabland

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