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Ideamen – Schemata

Yeah this album still affects me the same way it did in 2014.  Here is a review I wrote for Rock in Chicago!

Hey all you crazy cats out there!  Sorry it has taken so long for me to get this review out to you, but better late than never!

I may be the resident metalhead here at Rock in Chicago, but that does not mean that my ears do not dabble in other types of music. Ideamen, who remind me of a fusion of Queen and Faith No More, have been rocking Chicago and touring the Midwest for years now.  This band means so friggin much to me, as they bring SO MUCH to the table when it comes to their studio work and their amazing, high energy performances.

Ideamen ran into a few speedbumps and had a few hiccups when it came to releasing this badass album, but when “Schemata” was finally released at the end of January of 2014 it was worth the wait.  

“Schemata” is one of those albums that you can pop in and easily find yourself lost in its jam.  There are so many influences from different genres here, from pop to punk, from funk to classical.  Everyone, i repeat, EVERYONE can find a track they will absolutely love off of this release.  To me, this album is a masterpiece from start to finish. 

My tracks of choice are “Two Complaints”, “Downtown Crier”, and especially “Dead Utopia”.  It is so hard to find artists with multiple singers whose voices mix together and harmonize so majestically.  Check out their video for “Running Home” right here.



Favorite Tracks:
Two Complaints, Dead Utopia

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