Here it is folks, Doc Metal’s first AOTM! (Album Of The Moment)
I really wanted to do an album review of this as soon as it came out, but hey…. this website was not a thing yet.
Holy. FUCK.
Jesus Christ on a stick, if you have not heard this album yet, GET ON IT. Hearing this album for the first time is as memorable as the first time you unhooked a bra. Seriously, this album sounds as if Mr. Bungle had consensual sex with Car Bomb. Each track is an absolute BANGER. When this bad boy came out, it was pretty much on repeat for about a month. Revisited this today in its entirety and it has not lost any of its’ delicious luster. “Enjoy Yourself” deserves to be in my three way tie for my Album of the Year for 2020, tied with Huntsmen’s “Mandala of Fear”, and Odraza’s “Rzeczom”.
Here is one of their very badass videos for one of their very badass songs:
Check out their Facebook page here, their hilarious Twitter here, and buy their fucking music here.