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Ancient VVisdom – 33

Here is an album review I did back in 2017 for Ancient VVisdom’s “33” album.

Fans of Occult Rock rejoice!  Magic Bullet Records has another killer album under its belt, Ancient VVisdom’s “33.”  11 tracks of dark, brooding acoustic tunes boiled up in a cauldron in Cleveland, Ohio, await you this October and take you along a nice, smooth, trip down to the depths of, well, Hell!

I have been a fan of Ancient VVisdom for a few years now, first hearing about them when they toured with Ghost.  These guys stroke a chord with me the first time I heard them, and to this day I constantly jam tracks from their previous albums like “Deathlike” and “Devil’s work” on a regular basis.  Some pump me up, some calm me down, and most importantly, Ancient VVisdom’s music totally motivates me on a regular basis.  I was really happy with the release of “33”, because this kind of music makes my heart scream with glee.  I am a huge fan of anything occult, and this album is pretty much what you would think the exact opposite of a Christian rock band would sound.  If you ARE a fan of Occult Rock, then I can guarantee that this album will put a smile on your face.  It plays out almost like its own dark sermon, with captivating and uplifting lyrics.  I must warn you though, if you are Christian, this album should be something you stay away from.  If you are Atheist/Agnostic, it might annoy you.  The vocals and lyrical content of this album is what I think the focal point is, second to its riffs.  That being said, I give this record a solid 4 out of 5.  The only complaint I have about this album is that it is too short.  I can listen to this kind of stuff all day.  Ancient VVisdom, thank you for a beautiful record, and I look forward to seeing you guys play next time you come up to Chicago.  

33” is available Friday, October 13th through Magic Bullet Records.






Favorite Tracks:
Light of Lucifer, In the Name of Satan

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